
補習無助成績 「天王」全靠宣傳




日校低分學生 成補習社商機


筆記特別顯淺 增學生成功感

8 則留言:

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匿名 說...

Dr chan, I am one of your "不離不棄"students. Thank you so much!

匿名 說...

"補習無助成績" and "筆記內容必須顯淺,一望即明,減低學生爭取成功感的交易費用"

I really doubt these statements. Do you have any solid data to back it up? I think you have generalized too much in your article.
I just had my A levels this year. I didn't attend any tutorial classes, but I did borrow the tutorial materials from my classmates to study sometimes and buy some second-hand notes. From my observation and experience, quite a few 'star tutors' prepared notes that is much more difficult and rich in contents than the school textbooks. The explanations and problem selections in those notes are also more in-depth and harder than those given by day-school teachers. These additional materials certainly help those 'top students'.

For those academically less-abled students, they really do benefit from second explanations on topics studied at school.

Thus in a way, your conclusion "代表着多樣化經營,提供不同服務" is correct, albeit for entirely different reasons. The tutorial centres actually provide a remedy for the problem you mentioned: difficulty in ensuing all students with varying abilities can be catered for in a day-school. Students can choose which tutors to satisfy their individual needs.

These extra materials from tutorial schools really can help any student, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the student himself/herself. Only when the student makes full use of the materials can they enrich their learning. I guess what we see now is the result from the difference in the efficiency of using those materials.
continue @next post ==>

匿名 說...

continue <==from previous post
"「補習天王」必須依靠信息費用的存在才能出現。 "
"補習無助成績 「天王」全靠宣傳 "
This is some baseless generalization again.
Of course, advertising has a huge role in popularizing those tutorial schools. However, as I have explained, you cannot deny that quite a few tutors really do put in some serious effort in preparing lessons and supplementing materials, even if a few tutors are not up to scratch. Students really do see the value in those tutorial classes, something they miss from day schools. It would be unfair to say that the quality work from those centres (at least for the majority) and the actual judgement/experience shared among students have little to no bearing on the success of those centres. Even if quite a few students do identify the PR exercises as important factors in their decisions, present-day students are not complete fools and decide (maybe partly) rationally for themselves.

The present-day public and media seem too pre-occupied with negative emotions. Various scandals and the extravagant advertisements appear to cause people to reject the merits of tutorial schools out of hand, or at least, make them biased.

Yes, it is a pity that education has turned into a business. Yes, it is a pity that students have become cash cow for a few students. Yes it is a pity that school teachers are garnering less respect. Yes, it is really objectionable as to whether more 'robust language' from some tutors is justified.

But all these phenomena are really the products from our sorry state of education system. If you really need to blame someone, blame those in the Education Bureau. There is a gap between the needs of the students, and those provided by and demanded from the system. Others step in, making a big profit along the way. I find it pretty rational. In some ways, the education sector IS an industry, generating jobs and contributing to the economy and society, even if the original aim is nobler. Think about how the schools are very concerned with accepting good students, and how both elite and poor schools advertise themselves with students' accomplishments, in both academics and extra-curricular activities. It's just that the tutorial centres are more overt in their business-side.

For the record, I must say I too despise the overt advertising by tutorial centres, but I have come to accept them as part of reality. What I dislike even more, is that the tutorial lessons spend too much time on irrelevant talkings, apparently 'to make the lessons more interesting'. For the less motivated students, maybe these are of great use to them, but for me, these are some great turn-offs. (I had some tutorial lessons in F.5, plus my classmates talked about the experience, so I know)

However, despite all these, they do not dampen my admiration for the dedication of most of the tutors to preparing all those materials. There are really some top-notch stuff produced by them. Hence I decided to just use the notes and skip the tutorial lessons for F.6-7. And these wonderful materials played a significant role in securing my good A-level grades too. (particularly for physics)

I guess people really need to consider both sides before making any judgement.

匿名 說...

我相信陳sir所針對的天王並不是所有補習界的老師, 而是一些不斷大肆宣傳而沒有真才實學的騙子。而你所指的那些學生們也只是某類人云亦云的考生(也許為數不少),但本文內容加上標題真的很容易會讓一些"行外人"有over generalization的感覺...

匿名 說...

我曾看過某稍有人識的補習老師, 出版的教英文書籍, 裏面排版錯漏百出 & 有本作文書裏面有一篇的某一段是抄網上的某篇文一模一樣沒有改過, 離晒諎~

匿名 說...


syokurself 說...

应该听一下MC hotdog 的《补补补》