
編劇缺後路 罷工作武器


劇編紮鐵工 行頭窄難跳槽


婦女就業地位增 夫感威脅

  基本上,只有服務業和金融業尚可生存。這些結構性的轉變搶去大部分低技術工人的後着,減少了快餐店老闆在努力市場中需要面對的競爭。工人之間的競爭多於老闆之間的競爭,工人的薪金難以維持。但後着出現亦會帶給社會一些畸型問題。  婦女受到男人(我認為這些懦夫不配被稱為丈夫)虐待的家庭暴力事件,其中一個原因是女性的後着增加了。單看在路上有幾多女小巴司機女巴士司機女的士司機,我們便可立即察覺到女性受到勞力市場重用這個趨勢的發展女性多了後着便等如多了選擇。她們對丈夫的要求亦相繼增加。在家庭中獲得的對待不理想,她們大可「退出」跑到勢力市場裏自力更生。一些愚蠢的男人發覺自己的地位受到威協時,便以武力還擊,試圖奪走妻子的後着。

4 則留言:

VC 說...



匿名 說...

Hi Joe,

I have read a few of your articles and quite enjoy your insight until you talked about the Hollywood writers' strike.

I've tried to follow the strike a little (although not as much as I would like). But I have to wonder if your knowledge (or lack of knowledge) in the area might have lead you to write a piece weaker than your usual articles.

My limited understanding is that one of the issues the writers are striking on is related to the payment of their work in the digital medium (including how they are to be paid when their work are downloaded on places like iTune, sold as web episodes, etc.)

As a content producer, I have heard that it is easy for the funders (of TV shows, films, etc.) to demand they get ALL rights. And that, to the writers in this case, seems unfair.

Your statements seem very solid on the surface,
"認為待遇不稱意轉工不是一了百了嗎?罷工的行為,其實是向各界承認自己缺乏後着。專寫劇本的創作人,除電視和電影行業外,還有甚麼後着 ..."

But once we look past the surface and think further we may see some issues.

If those writers are great at what they do, why should they change job? I had the pleasure to listen to and meet Paul Haggis, the Oscar winning director and writer of Crash (2004) at Banff World TV Festival. Now, are you telling me that he should switch job because he doesn't like his contract? Pardon my directness, but give me a break! These people are talented and great at what they do. They should keep doing what they do.

I enjoy reading your articles and analysis like I enjoy watching 60 minutes. In both cases, I enjoy learning new things until, unfortunately, the show or you touch on an area where I know something. And then I discover that people sometimes stretch themselves too thin and make mistakes too.

I hope you take my critique as complement. And please keep up the good work.


匿名 說...

To add some facts and support, here is a piece of news from Reuters (Dec 29, 2007), "Letterman to return in deal with striking writers"


"The WGA said its "comprehensive agreement" with WorldWide Pants included provisions to pay writers for work distributed over the Internet -- presumably covering the large assortment of advertising-supported video clips of Letterman's show that CBS posts on its Web site.

Compensation for Internet content has been the main sticking point in stalled talks between the WGA and studios aimed at ending the writers' strike, now in its eighth week."


匿名 說...

When David Letterman's company had an early settlement with the union, it received a competitive advantage in landing A-list stars like Robin Williams.

Will see how things turn out on Wednesday and the days that follow.