
人生如投資難測 何必自殺



◆股神也不能預測 一年後恒指◆

  任何長遠預期(longterm expectation)都是不可靠的,在恒生指數期貨或其他外幣期貨市場買賣,來來去去成交量都是集中於將來1至3個月的期貨,香港任何一位股神的法力都不足以預計一年後恒指的水平,沒有正常人會依賴預期美國將來30年每年年均息口來作為投資美國長期債券的理據。


◆遇困境要忍 候新信息改變◆




3 則留言:

Joe Chan 說...

The article simply reflects the anger I felt whenever I saw humanity defeated by fate. Life to me is everything colorful (even in the B&W sense) and tasteful whether it be bitter or sweet. We are born to live, even if we have to fight our way through in the battlefield. It is so unfair to have that kid carry such a heavy burden; but it hurts me to see him surrender. He could have left his mother, or dumped his sister. He could have joined some trial society to sell drugs. He could even have robbed a bank. Instead, he did nothing that would ruin his honour. He went forward as a son, a brother and a decent citizen. If I know him, I could have helped. The 'if' is always the devil.

tmreadiy 說...

Everyone has his/her own thinking different than the others. While we praise God for giving us such a wonderful gift of life, others may be blaming her for her evil doings. It's his what we normal people think, " wrong attitude towards life" and his poor luck of not meeting someone like you that ruin his life.Maybe if he had thought about what the lives of his mother and sister will be after his death, he would not have done this dissrespectful action to his own life.
Hong Kongers face too few hardships that if a Hong Konger and an ancient people were left in a remote forest, what the Hong Konger did at once would be using his mobile phone to call someone for help, while the ancient guy will start thinking of ways to save himself--set fire so as to make himeself warm and find sources of water.

Signals 說...

