
女憑卵貴 男性屈居追求者


傳宗接代 要靠女方

  一位著名研究進化的生物學家RICHARD DAUKINS認為所有的求偶行為都是為了傳宗接代而昨出的前奏。而製造下一代的用處是令到男女雙方各半的遺傳基因可以藉此在世上延續下去。既然男女雙方的基因都可以說中得益為何偏偏男追女?




雄性搶眼 掩護伴侶


2 則留言:

Kempton 說...

Hi Joe,

Thanks for an interesting and fun to read analysis that I happen to disagree with.

With the recent 裸照風波, I guess I can be more blunt and your readers will not be too shocked. Nowadays, most people dates not because they want to get married or have babies (see P.S.1), they want to have some fun and may be sex. Thats it, lots of sex. So I think your analysis might seem a bit out-dated (by a million years or two) in implying 男追女 because they want to start a family and have babies. (smile)

Now, let me use some unreliable 2006 stats that I just copied and pasted from the Wikipedia (sorry, I hope you understand it may be an overkill to do more research as I don't want to be HK's David Foot). (big smile, see P.S.2)

Excerpt from Demographics_of_Hong_Kong Wikipedia page,

Age structure: (End of 2006 est.)

0-14 years: 13.5% (male 482,500; female 452,100)
15-24 years: 13.1% (male 445,400; female 459,300)
25-34 years: 15.3% (male 462,000; female 592,000)
35-44 years: 18.1% (male 547,000; female 698,400)
45-54 years: 17.5% (male 594,200; female 613,400)
55-64 years: 10.0% (male 353,500; female 337,400)
65 and over: 12.5% (male 339,500; female 464,800)

Looking at the "over-supply" of females (in all age ranges from 15-54), shouldn't we have 女追男 instead? Note the 130,000 extra females in the ages range from 25-34 available.

Or may be the males have been misinformed and didn't realize the over-supply of females? Or are HK males still stuck in their traditional male-chauvinistic view that males are superior (so they should pay) and thus unable to take advantage of the new market information that they don't have to?

Of course, may be the HK females know that they have the "Location, Location, Location" advantage (being *in* HK) and more readily available for dates, etc that they can "price" themselves higher than what the supply-and-demand dictates?

Of course, may be the exodus of males during weekends to visit their "girl friends" in near-by Chinese cities is sending a market signal to the ladies in HK as well?

Thanks for a fun to read article even I disagree with your analysis.


P.S.1. Quoting the same source, "According to statistics released in 2006, Hong Kong has the world’s lowest birth rate--0.9 per woman of child-bearing age, far below the replacement rate of 2.1."

P.S.2. David Foot is a demographer and economist at U of Toronto in Canada.

匿名 說...

如果女性是物以稀為貴的話, 怎麼從前女性地位就比較低呢?